Terms and conditions

Win £750 worth of energy-saving items for you and your home! We have 10 prizes to give away to Scottish residents.

1 This competition is open to permanent residents in Scotland aged 18 years and over, excluding persons connected with this promotion and employees and those related to employees of Energy Saving Trust ('the Promoter') and Home Energy Scotland contractors.

2 The competition closes at 11:59pm on Monday 31 March 2025.

3 The 10 prizes involved are split between five geographical areas in Scotland and will be awarded to two residents in each area.
• Highlands and Islands - two prizes of energy saving items worth £750 each
• South East - two prizes of energy saving items worth £750 each
• Strathclyde and Central - two prizes of energy saving items worth £750 each
• North East - two prizes of energy saving items worth £750 each
• South West - two prizes of energy saving items worth £750 each.
Each winner will receive energy-saving goods up to the value of £750, including delivery. Winners will be invited to select their preferences from a list of items including air fryers, heated clothes dryers, fitness watches and other energy-saving items. Final selection and approval will be at the discretion of Home Energy Scotland. Prizes will be purchased from Home Energy Scotland’s retailers of choice and delivered directly to prize-winners.

4 No expenses incurred in connection with the prize draw (competition) will be paid other than as set out in these terms and conditions.

5 The Promoter reserves the right to substitute a prize or part thereof with a prize of equal or higher value in the event of unforeseen circumstances and/or withdraw or amend the promotion at any time without prior notice.

6 Competition entries will be split into five regional groups: South East, Strathclyde and Central, South West, North East, and Highlands and Islands.

7 Two winners will be selected at random from each set of regional entries received. Prize winners will be notified via an email or phone call.

8 Only one entry per household will be allowed.

9 Should a prize winner be unable to accept the prize or not respond to the Promoter within five days of the notification date, the Promoter has the right to draw an alternative winner.

10 The prize must be accepted as offered, is non-transferable and cannot be refunded or exchanged.

11 By entering this promotion you agree, if you win, to participate in related and reasonable publicity at the request of the Promoter (including promotional photographs, quotes and interviews) without further recompense.

12 The Promoter's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into in respect of all matters to do with this promotion.

13 The Promoter will not be responsible for the non-inclusion of entries or any claims as a result of being lost, late, illegible, incomplete, invalid, or because of technical failures or otherwise, including such failure which is within the control of the Promoter or its agencies.

14 Failure to comply with these terms and conditions will automatically render a prize draw entry void.

15 The name and location of the winners will be available one month after the prize draw closing date and will be available online at www.homeenergyscotland.org.

16 By entering the prize draw, entrants are sending their personal information to Home Energy Scotland who on behalf of the Promoter will at all times process entrants’ personal data in accordance with GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018. For more information please see our privacy policy.

17 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Promoter accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with this promotion.

18  To the extent permitted by law, the promoter and third parties connected to the promoter hereby expressly exclude: 
•    All conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity. 
•    Any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by any entrant or winner in connection with any competition or any entry.

19 Entry into the competition constitutes acceptance of the above terms and conditions.